Tag Archives: That’s Not a Trash Can. Now It Is!

That’s Not a Trash Can. Now It Is!

Sometimes I forget how many different ways waste/trash can be perceived.  While I have no respect for people that litter, I rarely make mention of it…on a blog about TRASH.  I love the often-used excuse “that’s why people are paid to clean it up…job security!”  Actually no, prick, it’s not job security and your lame ass needs to learn how to clean up after yourself.  When I tell people what I do for a living, they tend to think they can offend me by telling me they litter…they’re right.

Oh yeah- I was writing to let you know about a fellow Philadelphian Andrew Jeffrey Wright who happens to have a trash blog as well… it’s a well-done photo gallery of all the best ways that people utilize this city.  Check out his most recent “poles and posts post”:

It’s strange, I don’t get mad when I look at these pictures, but I definitely don’t laugh either… what is the “responsible” emotion for checking out pictures of litter?  I think I’m just heavily desensitized to it since I work with it on the daily.  Anyway, his page is well worth checking out…so do it.

Click here: http://thatsnotatrashcannowitis.blogspot.com/